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Please call 1-888-235-7948 or email [email protected] if there are things you need not listed here. This page will help you ensure your venue and equipment are ready to present a flawless event prior to your live date!
Remember, in order to get the most accurate results, test the exact set-up you will use to show the simulcast. (i.e. use the computer, internet connection, sound, etc in the room where you will show it.)
Please DO NOT use a wireless connection for your simulcast event. An ethernet cable/ "hard lined" connected internet decreases the chances for interference and trouble.
Please test your internet speed. 

The “ download speed ” number is the one that is important for your broadcast capability. Your network connection should sustain a download speed of 20 Mbps or greater. 

To check your actual download speeds, please visit Click BEGIN TEST and will AUTOMATICALLY test your speed and give you an accurate indication of your capacity. 

Interesting Image

Your church, your audience, you... have a lot of devices, and they all want internet... ALL THE TIME!  It is highly recommended that only one computer be accessing the network during the broadcast, and that you have a dedicated internet connection for the computer you are using to download the stream. 

TIP: You have limited bandwidth, and more users accessing the same network will lead to slower download times, and may degrade the performance of the stream.  

Your device and resolution

Check your video projector resolution to ensure that it matches your computer resolution. In full screen mode on your computer, you should see full screen with your projector. It is recommended after connecting your computer to the projector that you power on the computer first then the projector for auto detecting resolution.

Do not have other applications running on your computer simultaneously such as virus scanning, updates, or backup software.

We will be streaming your event at the highest possible quality, but it is very important for you to know that the quality you receive is very dependent on your internet connection and the projection capability of your venue. We are unable to know what your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is capable of delivering to you or what type of system your venue is running. However, we can offer you some guidelines and tips to help you receive the highest quality possible.

Testing! Testing! Is this thing on?
Whether this is your first simulcast or your 50th, testing is important!  in:ciite Events is constantly updating its proprietary platform to ensure the very best content delivery system. This means, you need to ensure that your equipment and set-up is changing with it! 
We find that 45% of all host sites who do not test will encounter some issue on the day of, and almost 90% of those issues could have been troubleshooted and eliminated on a testing day.
Great motto: Don't invite STRESS when you can TEST!

Testing Information

We will provide a specific testing schedule for your event.  Days and times for testing will be provided to you several weeks prior to your event date. 


Suggested browsers for your system:
in:ciite Events recommends using Google Chrome as your internet browser (link ‘Google Chrome’ to: for hosting simulcast event.
If you are using a Mac OS operating system, Firefox is also recommended
(link “firefox” to:; however, we strongly suggest you install Google Chrome as well and run tests with both browsers. Keep both on your computer until the event; it’s recommended to have one as a back-up browser.
If you are using Window 10, we recommend Edge
(link ‘Edge’ to: as you internet browser; however, we strongly suggest you install Google Chrome as well and run tests with both browsers. Keep both on your computer until the event; it’s recommended to have one as a back-up browser.
in:ciite Events • 188 Front Street Suite 117-18 Franklin, TN 37064 • 615-791-4131 • [email protected]